Anne and Don McGugan
Don and Anne McGugan met in Junior Farmers and married in the early 1960s. Their life-long partnership reflects their shared interest in farming and their enthusiasm for public service. Together, they have had a positive impact on many people and organizations.
Don was born on the family farm on Old Walnut Road in Brooke-Alvinston. He became involved in farming as a youngster, showing cows and pigs in 4-H. He purchased his first 50 acres in 1960. The McGugan farm has since expanded to 650 acres mostly dedicated to growing cash crops. For many years, the McGugans have used innovative cropping practices. These include planting cover crops, growing identity preserved beans for the international market, promoting conservation tillage, and using research plots to study the effectiveness of new methods.
Don was a founding partner of CanGrow Crop Solutions, a liquid fertilizer company established on the McGugan farm in 1986. It became the largest employer in Brooke-Alvinston. Their fertilizer products are available across Canada and the United States.
In 1973, Don and Anne's farm hosted the International Plowing Match. The record-breaking attendance topped 150,000 people.
Don and Anne have been active in the agricultural community for many years. Don was president of Lambton County Junior Farmers in 1963, and Lambton’s provincial director on the Junior Farmers’ Association of Ontario Board for several years. Anne was active on several Junior Farmers’ committees. Don held positions with Lambton Corn Producers, Wheat Producers, and the Soil and Crop Improvement Association. Don and Anne were members of the Lambton Federation of Agriculture and the Ontario Federation of Agriculture. Don was the Lambton president in 2001 - 2002. Anne has been very active in the Women's Institute. Both were 4-H members and leaders for over 20 years, and directors of Lambton Rural Childcare.

Don and Ann raised two children. Outside of agriculture, Don worked for the Dow Chemical Company for 34 years and Anne was a teacher. Don was Mayor of Brooke-Alvinston for 16 years. In recent years Anne has supported her husband due to his failing eyesight. They have both been active with the Brooke-Enniskillen Baptist Church and made contributions to the Brooke-Alvinston-Inwood Community Centre, Community Policing Association,
Community Contributions: 
- Lambton County Junior Farmers' committee members and president (Don) in 1963
- Provincial director for Lambton County on the Junior Farmers’ Association of Ontario Board for several years (Don)
- Founding partner of CanGrow Crop Solutions (Don)
- International Plowing Match Hosts, 1973
- Lambton Corn Producers (Don)
- Wheat Producers (Don)
- Soil and Crop Improvement Association (Don)
- Lambton Federation of Agriculture, members and president (Don), 2001-2002
- Ontario Federation of Agriculture members
- Women’s Institute (Anne)
- 4-H members and leaders for more than 20 years
- Directors of Lambton Rural Childcare
- 20 years of Brooke-Alvinston Municipal Council, including 16 years as Mayor (Don)
- Brooke-Alvinston Baptist Church, clerk for 35 years (Anne), deacon for 30 years (Don)
- Jointly awarded Queen’s Diamond Jubilee Medal, 2013